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The Dos and Don’ts of Cultural Etiquette for Indian Students Studying Abroad

Expert Reviewed

Written by  Vishesh Chogtu

Reviewed by  Priyanka Bhargava, MBA - Marketing and HR

Published on Fri, June 2, 2023 10:15 AM   Updated on Sun, July 9, 2023 11:36 PM   10 mins read

Pursuing higher education abroad offers a fantastic opportunity to explore. When studying abroad, the first step involves searching for a reputable university and securing admission. Once you arrive at your chosen university after completing the application process, it will feel like stepping into a new world. 

With us you will discover valuable cultural etiquette guidelines to ensure you make the most of your study abroad journey.

While being in a foreign country can present challenges, it’s completely normal! They have different cultural norms, so it’s essential to understand what cultural etiquette actions are advisable and what to avoid. This list of do’s and don’ts will provide helpful tips for adapting and thriving in an unfamiliar place.

Do’s of Culture Etiquette While studying Abroad

Do's: While studying Abroad
Source: Canva

While the initial thrill of living in a foreign country and experiencing a new culture and social customs can fade amidst the stress of visa applications and homesickness, there are several steps international students can take to enhance their study abroad experience. 

Here are some recommended cultural etiquette to consider while studying abroad:

1. Immerse yourself in the local culture

Immerse yourself in the host country’s culture by attending cultural events, festivals, and exhibitions. Explore local museums, art galleries, and historical sites to gain a deeper understanding of the country’s heritage and traditions. Participate in community activities and volunteer opportunities to connect with locals and contribute to the local community.

2. Be open-minded and adaptable

Embracing a new culture requires an open mind and adaptability. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. Be receptive to different perspectives and ways of doing things. This flexibility will help you navigate cultural differences more effectively and foster a sense of belonging in your new environment.

3. Build relationships with locals

Developing meaningful relationships with local students, neighbours, and community members can greatly enhance your study abroad experience. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and actively listen to others’ stories and experiences. This will not only help you gain insights into the host country’s culture but also foster friendships that can last a lifetime.

4. Keep an open line of communication

Effective communication is key to bridging cultural gaps and resolving misunderstandings. If you encounter cultural differences or have questions, approach the situation with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Engage in respectful and open conversations with locals or university staff to seek clarification or share your perspective. This open line of communication will facilitate mutual understanding and help build stronger relationships.

5. Practice cultural sensitivity in social media

Social media is a powerful tool for sharing experiences, but it’s important to use it responsibly and respectfully. Before posting, consider how your content may be perceived by locals or people from the host country. Avoid sharing content that may be offensive, disrespectful, or perpetuate stereotypes. Instead, use social media as a platform to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the host country’s culture.

6. Explore beyond your comfort zone

While it’s natural to gravitate towards what feels familiar, challenge yourself to explore beyond your comfort zone. Venture out of your campus or immediate surroundings and discover different regions and cities within the host country. Visit historical sites, landmarks, and natural attractions to gain a deeper appreciation for the country’s history, geography, and natural beauty. This will broaden your horizons and enrich your overall study abroad experience.

7. Changes are Inevitable 

Set goals for yourself while studying abroad, but also embrace the possibility of them evolving and changing along the way. Recognise that circumstances are dynamic, and it’s essential to prioritise adaptability over rigid expectations. 

Instead of being too hard on yourself, allow room for flexibility and growth. This approach will enable you to make the most of your experience and embrace the opportunities that come your way.

8. Be socially active

Participating in extracurricular activities is highly encouraged for students studying abroad. In addition to focusing on your studies, consider joining cultural or professional clubs, engaging in athletics or the arts, and exploring various interests. Your academic performance is essential but not the only aspect of your journey. 

Networking and developing unique connections with fellow students should be among your reasons for attending a college program abroad. These connections can potentially lead to collaborations, business opportunities, and valuable recommendations in the future. 

Don’ts of Cultural Etiquette While studying Abroad

Don'ts: While studying Abroad
Source: Canva

1. Engage in excessive comparison

It’s natural to draw comparisons between your home country and the host country. However, constantly dwelling on these comparisons may hinder your ability to fully appreciate and immerse yourself in the new culture. Instead, focus on the unique qualities and experiences that the host country has to offer.

2. Neglect self-care and mental well-being

Remember to prioritise self-care even when studying abroad. Establishing a routine that suits your needs and promotes your well-being is crucial. Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is essential for a fulfilling experience. 

Find activities that help you relax and recharge, whether practicing mindfulness, engaging in hobbies, or exercising. By maintaining a healthy routine and prioritising self-care, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges and fully enjoy your time studying abroad.

3. Succumb to stereotypes or prejudices

It’s crucial to challenge any preconceived notions or biases you may have about the host country or its people. Approach every interaction with an open mind and treat individuals as individuals, rather than making assumptions based on stereotypes. Engage in meaningful conversations and interactions that allow you to discover the unique qualities and perspectives of the people you meet.

4. Engage in illegal or risky activities

Familiarise yourself with the laws and regulations of the host country and ensure that you abide by them. Engaging in illegal activities can have severe consequences, including legal trouble or expulsion from your study abroad program. Exercise caution and make informed decisions to prioritise your safety and well-being.

5. Manage your budget without unnecessary stress

While studying abroad, many students are on a tight budget, which can lead to stress about finances. However, it’s important not to let this overshadow the enjoyment of your experience. Remember that allocating money for new and exciting experiences is okay. 

Embrace the opportunity to create beautiful memories and cherish the moments that will stay with you long after your time abroad.

6. Don’t lose your focus

Amidst the excitement of new experiences, losing focus and veering off track can be easy. However, it’s crucial to prioritise your studies as your total commitment. Strive to achieve your academic goals while maintaining a balanced work-life harmony. 

By staying dedicated to your studies and managing your time effectively, you can navigate exciting opportunities abroad while ensuring your educational pursuits remain at the forefront.

7. Limit yourself to familiar experiences

While it’s comforting to seek familiarity, don’t limit yourself solely to activities or interactions with other Indian students. Embrace diversity and actively seek opportunities to engage with individuals from different backgrounds. Join clubs, organisations, or language exchange programs that facilitate cross-cultural interactions. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you’ll broaden your perspective and develop a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity.

8. Lastly, Take cultural differences personally

It’s important to remember that cultural differences are not personal attacks or judgments. Instead, view them as opportunities for growth, understanding, and expanding your worldview. Embrace the differences you encounter and approach them with curiosity and respect. Developing a mindset of cultural humility will allow you to navigate cultural differences more effectively and foster positive relationships with locals.

Final verdict

Cultural Etiquette for Indian Students Studying Abroad
Source: Canva

In a nutshell, studying abroad is a thrilling chance for Indian students to explore new cultures and broaden their horizons. But it’s important to be culturally aware and respectful. So, do your research, dress appropriately, be punctual, and respect personal boundaries. Engage with locals, ask questions, and be open to new experiences.

Avoid stereotypes, follow local laws, and step out of your comfort zone. Embrace diversity, make friends from different backgrounds, and cherish the memories.

Have an incredible journey and return home with a global perspective. Bon voyage!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare culturally for study abroad?

Here are a few practical tips to combat the culture shock in a new country:

1) Acquire knowledge about the country you intend to visit to prepare for any potential culture shock.
2) Engage in a healthy hobby to cope with adjusting to a new environment.
3) Establish specific academic goals to maintain focus and drive in your studies.
4) Stay connected with your fellow students to foster community and support.

What are some ways to deal with culture shock when studying abroad?

Here are some suggestions for managing culture shock:

1) Acquire extensive knowledge about your host country to familiarise yourself with its customs and traditions.
2) Seek guidance from the organiser of your study abroad program for valuable advice and support.
3) Establish specific learning objectives for your time abroad to maintain focus and purpose.
4) Document your initial positive experiences and reflect on them later to remind yourself of the reasons you chose to study abroad.

How can I make the most of my study abroad experience?

To make the most of your study abroad experience:

1) Step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences.
2) Engage with the local community, participate in cultural events, and explore your host country.
3) Take advantage of academic opportunities, such as internships or research projects, to enhance your learning.

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Culture Etiquette

About the Author & Expert


Vishesh Chogtu

Author • 


Priyanka Bhargava

Expert • MBA - Marketing and HR • 13+ Years

Priyanka possesses more than 13 years of extensive experience. Having pursued a Master's in International Business from a reputed university abroad, she has first-hand insight into the entire gamut of the study abroad admissions process. She has collaborated extensively with all categories of study abroad aspirants be it for Undergrad, Master’s (technical and non-technical), MBA, MPH and PhD. She boasts of an impeccable university placement record, including top-notch global universities such as Stanford, UPenn, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, Cambridge, and several others. She has an overall perspective of the admissions process of countries such as the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, European Union.

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