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The Best Apps for Language Learning

Expert Reviewed

Written by  Rachit Agrawal, MBA

Reviewed by  Priyanka Bhargava, MBA - Marketing and HR

Published on Fri, June 9, 2023 10:15 AM   Updated on Fri, June 9, 2023 10:15 AM   17 mins read

Are you ready to embark on a language learning journey and unlock the doors to new cultures and opportunities? 

Language learning apps offer convenience, flexibility, and interactive features that make learning a new language engaging and enjoyable. 

Whether you’re a beginner or aiming to enhance your language skills, these apps are designed to cater to your individual learning style and pace.

Thanks to modern technology, language learning apps have revolutionised how we acquire new languages. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can embark on a linguistic journey from the comfort of your home or on the go. ‘

If you’re longing to expand your linguistic horizons, communicate confidently in foreign languages, and connect with people from different cultures, these language learning apps will serve as your trusty companions on your journey to fluency.

Let’s dive into the best language learning apps available. We’ll introduce you to well-known apps which provide comprehensive language courses and interactive exercises which can help you to settle in a foreign culture while studying abroad. 

What is a Language Learning App?

What is a Language Learning App
Source: Canva

Simply put, a language learning app is a digital tool designed to help you learn a new language or improve your existing language skills. It’s like having a language teacher right in your pocket! These apps typically offer a wide range of features and resources to make your language learning journey fun, interactive, and convenient.

Super Benefits of Learning Through a Language Learning App

1. Always Accessible – Learn on the Go

Imagine having a language teacher right at your fingertips, ready to help you learn anytime, anywhere. With language learning apps, you can squeeze in some language practice while you’re waiting for your coffee, sitting on the bus, or even chilling on the couch at home. 

No more wasting time scrolling through social media when you could be improving your language skills!

2. Interactive and Engaging – Learning Can Be Fun

Say goodbye to dull textbooks and hello to interactive and engaging language learning apps. These apps are designed to make learning enjoyable by incorporating features like interactive lessons, quizzes, and even games. 

It’s like turning language learning into a fun challenge or adventure. Who said learning a new language had to be boring?

3. Tailored to Your Learning Style – Learn Your Way

Everyone has their own unique way of learning, and language learning apps get that. They offer a variety of resources and methods to cater to your preferred learning style. 

Whether you’re a visual learner who loves looking at flashcards, an auditory learner who enjoys listening to native speakers, or a hands-on learner who needs interactive exercises, these apps have got you covered. You can choose the approach that works best for you.

4. Boost Speaking and Listening Skills – Practice Makes Perfect

Speaking and listening are crucial skills in language learning, and language learning apps provide opportunities to practise and improve them. Some apps use voice recognition technology to analyse your pronunciation and provide feedback. 

Others offer audio lessons or allow you to engage in conversations with native speakers. These features give you a chance to develop your speaking and listening skills in a more interactive and immersive way.

5. Makes a Student’s Life Easier While Studying Abroad

One of the fantastic things about language learning apps is their ability to make you learn the local language of the country while studying abroad, which makes it easier to adjust within the local culture and community. These apps can keep a progress on your achievements, completion of lessons, and even your performance in different areas.

It’s like having a personal language learning coach who celebrates your milestones with you. Tracking your progress not only helps you see how far you’ve come but also keeps you motivated to keep going and reach your language learning goals.

The Best Apps for Language Learning

Best Apps for Language Learning
Source: Canva

If you’re eager to embark on a language learning adventure or enhance your existing language skills, these apps are here to make your journey a breeze. 

So, let’s jump right in and explore the cream of the crop when it comes to language learning apps!

1. Duolingo 

Source: Logolook

Duolingo has captured the hearts of language learners worldwide with its top-rated app. What makes it so special? Well, imagine learning a language that feels more like playing a game. That’s exactly what Duolingo offers! With its fun and engaging teaching method, you’ll find yourself eagerly coming back for more.

Unlock New Challenges with Duolingo’s Friendly Interface

From the moment you open the app, Duolingo’s friendly interface welcomes you into a world of language exploration. It’s designed to keep you motivated as you complete tasks and unlock new challenges. You’ll be amazed at how seamlessly the app guides you through different language categories, ensuring you have a well-rounded learning experience.

Master a Language with Duolingo’s Interactive Techniques

Duolingo’s ability to blend complex language content with interactive techniques is what sets it apart. With over 35 languages to choose from, the app caters to learners of all levels. Whether you’re working on spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary building, understanding native speakers, constructing sentences, or practicing real-life conversations, Duolingo has got your back.

Earn Rewards and Achievements as You Progress

Learning a language is no easy feat, but Duolingo makes it incredibly rewarding. As you make progress and conquer new lessons, you’ll earn rewards and achievements along the way. These virtual trophies and badges not only recognize your hard work but also give you a sense of accomplishment that keeps you motivated to push further.

Beyond Lessons: Extra Resources for Enriched Learning

Duolingo goes the extra mile to enhance your language-learning journey. In addition to the comprehensive lessons, the app offers a range of extra resources. Dive into captivating stories based on everyday situations, where you can practice your skills through reading or listening. Need a quick translation or grammar reference? Duolingo’s integrated dictionary has got you covered. And if you’re hungry for more, you can participate in contests, explore podcasts, and even join the lively community of learners.

Connect, Engage, and Learn Together

Language learning is not just about textbooks and exercises; it’s about connecting with others. Duolingo understands this, and that’s why they provide ample opportunities for learners to interact and engage with each other. Join forums and live events to meet fellow language enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in webinars, debates, and entertaining activities that make learning feel like a party. After all, learning is more fun when shared with others!

Your Language Companion: Duolingo’s Integrated Dictionary

No language-learning journey is complete without a reliable dictionary by your side. Duolingo’s integrated dictionary is your trusty companion. It’s always ready to assist you with translations, noun forms, and verb conjugations. Say goodbye to flipping through hefty language reference books—everything you need is just a tap away.

A Top Choice for Schools and Educational Institutions

Duolingo’s modern and effective language teaching method has made it a favored choice among schools and educational institutions. Its user-friendly interface, gamified approach, and comprehensive language coverage make it a powerful tool for both educators and students. With Duolingo, learning a language becomes an enjoyable adventure that yields tangible results.

2. Babbel

Source: Babbel

Babbel takes a different path compared to the gamified experience of Duolingo. It embraces a more traditional approach, starting with the basics like letters, greetings, and introductions. If you’re someone who appreciates a solid foundation, Babbel has got you covered.

Tailored Courses for Real-Life Scenarios

One thing that sets Babbel apart is its focus on real-life scenarios. Whether it’s for business, travel, culture, or daily life, Babbel offers courses that cater to your specific needs. If you already have a handle on the basics, you can skip the beginner courses and dive right into the topics that interest you the most.

Free vs. Premium: The Choice is Yours

While Babbel does offer a free version, it comes with limitations. To unlock the full range of courses and features, you have the option to upgrade to the premium version. It’s a choice you can make based on how much you enjoy using the app and your commitment to mastering the language.

Simple Interface with Engaging Lessons

Babbel may not have the visually striking interface of Duolingo, but it gets the job done with its simplicity and straightforwardness. The courses may not follow a clear hierarchy or order, and there aren’t any virtual trophies or badges to earn. However, don’t let that discourage you. The language lessons in Babbel are still engaging, incorporating voice, images, puzzles, and conversational exercises to keep you interested and motivated.

Interactive Learning Experience

Babbel goes beyond traditional lessons by offering additional interactive resources. You can delve into podcasts and word games to supplement your learning journey. These resources add a touch of variety and help you reinforce your language skills in different contexts.

Practise Speaking with Live Classes

Just like other language learning apps, Babbel understands the importance of practising conversational skills. That’s why they offer live classes where you can engage in conversations with native speakers. It’s a great opportunity to put your language knowledge to the test and gain confidence in your speaking abilities.

A Straightforward and Engaging Choice

While it may not be as immersive or gamified as some other apps, Babbel still offers engaging lessons for language learners. Its combination of voice, images, puzzles, and conversational exercises creates an interactive and dynamic learning experience. If you prefer a more straightforward app that focuses on the essentials, Babbel is a solid choice to embark on your language-learning journey.

3. Busuu

Source: Centili

Busuu is a versatile language learning app that caters to both casual users and businesses/schools. It’s designed to accommodate different learning needs and offers valuable lessons for individuals and organisations alike. Whether you’re learning for personal enrichment or professional growth, Busuu has you covered.

A Formal Approach with a Focus on Learning

If you prefer a more formal approach to language learning, Busuu is right up your alley. Unlike the playful interface of Duolingo, Busuu takes a more serious tone. It offers lessons that delve into the intricacies of language, covering grammar, vocabulary, conversation, and listening. This focus on core language aspects ensures you have a solid foundation as you progress.

Personalised Study Plans and Language Level Targets

One of the standout features of Busuu is its personalised study plans. During the onboarding stage, the app provides you with an estimated date for reaching your desired language level. This tailored approach helps you set goals and stay motivated on your language learning journey. By completing the courses generated by the app, you’ll gradually progress toward your goal.

Comprehensive Learning Packages and Additional Features

Busuu offers a variety of learning packages to enhance your language learning experience. From vocabulary and grammar exercises to practise sessions with native speakers, you’ll find a wealth of resources at your disposal. Want to take your learning further? Busuu provides additional features such as podcasts, news articles, travel phrases, and the opportunity to converse with native speakers. It’s all about immersing yourself in the language and expanding your skills.

Live Group Lessons and Native Speaker Feedback

Just like Duolingo, Busuu recognizes the value of interaction in language learning. The app offers live group lessons where you can engage with fellow learners and native speakers. This interactive setting provides a supportive environment to practise your speaking skills and gain confidence. 

In fact, Busuu provides a unique feature—native speakers correct your exercises. You can ask questions, provide answers, and receive valuable feedback on your language skills. It’s like having your own personal language coach right in your pocket.

4. Mondly

Source: Mondly

Mondly is a language learning program that believes in the power of imagery. With its extensive collection of over 40 languages, you can dive into the linguistic wonders of the world. Whether you’re passionate about Spanish, Mandarin, or Swahili, Mondly has got you covered.

Diverse Courses to Cater to Your Language Needs

Mondly offers a wide range of courses to suit your language learning goals. From vocabulary builders and real conversations to grammar lessons and quick daily sessions, there’s something for everyone. With 50 topics covering common life situations, you have the freedom to choose what you want to focus on.

Beyond Games: Augmented and Virtual Reality for a Unique Experience

If you’re craving a language learning experience beyond simple games, Mondly has a trick up its sleeve. It introduces augmented and virtual reality features that immerse you in a whole new world of language learning. These non-conventional methods provide an exciting alternative to traditional online classes. Strap on your VR headset or unlock the potential of augmented reality and watch your language skills flourish.

Tailored for Individuals and Companies Alike

Mondly caters to both individual learners and companies seeking language training solutions. Whether you’re learning for personal growth or professional purposes, Mondly has the courses and features to support your language learning journey. It’s a versatile platform that adapts to your needs.

Premium Access for Topic Categories

One minor drawback of Mondly is that accessing topic categories may require upgrading to the premium version. However, fear not! Even with the free version, you can still enjoy daily lessons, participate in weekly quizzes, and engage in conversations with chatbots. So, you can get a taste of the language learning experience without breaking the bank.

Mondly is an exciting language learning program that takes a unique approach. With its emphasis on imagery, diverse courses, and augmented/virtual reality features, it offers a one-of-a-kind adventure. Whether you’re an individual language enthusiast or a company seeking innovative language training, Mondly has the tools and resources to help you achieve your language goals.

5. Memrise

Source: Pcmag

Memrise welcomes you with a modern and visually appealing interface that makes language learning a pleasure. With over 20 languages to choose from, you’ll have a world of linguistic possibilities at your fingertips.

Engaging Listening Sessions with Locals

One of the standout features of Memrise is its incorporation of listening sessions. It goes beyond the standard exercises by providing audio and video clips of locals speaking the language you’re learning. This immersive experience allows you to hear and see the language in action, making it feel more real and tangible.

Unlock New Lessons and Earn Rewards

As you progress through the lessons in Memrise, you’ll unlock new ones and earn rewards along the way. These rewards can range from discounts for the premium versions of the app to other perks that keep you motivated. Feeling competitive? 

Memrise adds a friendly element of competition by displaying a weekly leaderboard featuring fellow language learners. It’s a fun way to challenge yourself and see how you stack up against others.

Real-Life Situations and Essential Language Details

Memrise offers a wide range of courses that focus on real-life situations. Whether you want to learn how to navigate a restaurant, ask for directions, or engage in casual conversations, Memrise has got you covered. It also dives into essential language details such as numbers, grammar, idioms, and challenging vocabulary. 

Each course is designed with progressive levels, allowing you to gradually build your language skills. Be prepared to invest some time, as some courses can take up to eight hours or more to complete.

Connect with Friends in Group Discussions

Memrise understands the importance of social interaction in language learning. That’s why it allows you to create groups where you can add friends and engage in discussions about various topics. Sharing your language learning journey with others adds a sense of community and support along the way.

No Podcasts or Live Classes, but Plenty to Explore

While Memrise doesn’t provide podcasts or live classes like some other language learning programs, it still offers a rich learning experience. With its engaging lessons, immersive listening sessions, and interactive features, you’ll have plenty to explore and discover. 

Wrapping Up 

Best Apps for Language Learning
Source: Canva

Learning a new language has never been more exciting and convenient, all thanks to the amazing world of language-learning apps. These innovative apps have entirely transformed how we approach language acquisition, making it accessible, interactive, and downright enjoyable. And ultimately making it easier for students to learn a new language while studying abroad in another country. 

Whether you’re a fan of gamified learning, immersive experiences, social interaction, or personalised study plans, there’s an app ideally suited to meet your unique language learning needs. 

So why not dive in and explore the incredible language-learning apps mentioned in this article? It’s time to embark on an exciting journey towards becoming a fluent speaker of your desired language, and wishing you a fantastic learning experience and a world of linguistic possibilities ahead. Happy learning!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can language learning apps help you learn a new language?

Absolutely! According to a study, the results are quite promising. It revealed that 59% of language app users experienced a significant improvement in their oral proficiency in another language.

What is the best free app for learning a language?

When it comes to free language learning apps, Duolingo, Drops, and Memrise are among the top choices. These apps offer a wide range of languages and provide interactive lessons to help you learn effectively.

What are the advantages of learning languages online?

Learning languages online brings several advantages, including cost-effectiveness, time savings, enhanced performance and productivity, and a reduced environmental footprint.

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Apps for Language Learning

About the Author & Expert


Rachit Agrawal

Author • MBA • 20 Years

Rachit believes in the power of education and has studied from the top institutes of IIIT Allahabad, IIM Calcutta, and Francois Rabelias in France. He has worked as Software Developer with Microsoft and Adobe. Post his MBA, he worked with the world's # 1 consulting firm, The Boston Consulting Group across multiple geographies US, South-East Asia and Europe.


Priyanka Bhargava

Expert • MBA - Marketing and HR • 13+ Years

Priyanka possesses more than 13 years of extensive experience. Having pursued a Master's in International Business from a reputed university abroad, she has first-hand insight into the entire gamut of the study abroad admissions process. She has collaborated extensively with all categories of study abroad aspirants be it for Undergrad, Master’s (technical and non-technical), MBA, MPH and PhD. She boasts of an impeccable university placement record, including top-notch global universities such as Stanford, UPenn, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, Cambridge, and several others. She has an overall perspective of the admissions process of countries such as the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, European Union.

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