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Vocabulary Words With Meaning And Sentence

Written by  Rachit Agrawal, MBA

Published on Wed, February 12, 2020 6:29 AM   Updated on Tue, January 9, 2024 7:24 PM   16 mins read

The English language has become a fascination over the past few decades, and everyone is trying to master the language in its grammar and, more importantly, vocabulary.

Learning new words and their meanings along with how to fit them in a context is what we are going to brief in this article. There are thousands of English words, and newer words are coined now and then.

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Although it cannot be possible to review all existing words, let us explore some words for better vocabulary (that we commonly use) in alphabetical order and how to use them in sentences as nouns, adjectives, or verbs.


Also Read: 50 New English Words with Meaning and Sentences

Words With Meaning And Sentence

Some of the Vocabulary Words With Meaning And Sentence are:

Adjure (Verb): 

  • Meaning: Formal exertion on someone to do something.
  • Sentence: The doctor adjured his patient to concur for heart surgery. 

Badinage (Noun): 

  • Meaning: Witty conversation.
  • Sentence: We had badinage last night.

Carp (Verb): 

  • MeaningComplaint continually.
  • Sentence: Our neighbors keep carping about poor facilities in our county.

Dogmatic (Adjective):

  • MeaningThrusting one’s opinion or beliefs while reluctant to accept those of others.
  • Sentence: The leader seems quite dogmatic.

Effete (Adjective):

  • MeaningNo longer effective.
  • Sentence: The chamber is currently exhausted.

Fulminate (Noun):

  • MeaningProtest strongly against something.
  • Sentence: There is always some fulmination to new rules.

Gofer (Noun):

  • MeaningPerson who runs errands.
  • Sentence: I am hunting for a gofer.
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Hark (Verb):

  • MeaningRemind something from the past.
  • Sentence: She was harking back to childhood upon seeing her school.

Ineffable (Adjective):

  • MeaningToo sacred to be spoken.
  • Sentence: Sculptures of temple deities are impossible to be described in words.

Jink (Verb):

  • MeaningSudden quick change of direction.
  • Sentence: The pilot jinked the plane for an emergency landing.

Knoll (Noun):

  • MeaningSmall hill or mound.
  • Sentence: The resort is ideally located amidst knolls.

Languish (Verb):

  • MeaningBe kept in an undesirable place or situation.
  • Sentence: He was languishing in jail.

Mettle (Noun):

  • MeaningSpirit or strength during difficulty.
  • Sentence: One must try to practice mettle in crisis.

Nimble (Verb):

  • MeaningQuick or agile in movement.
  • Sentence: The dwarf nimble easily through the crowd.

Oppugn (Verb):

  • MeaningQuestion the truth or validity of something.
  • Sentence: Youngsters often oppugn superstitions.

Plenary (Adjective):

  • MeaningFull; absolute.
  • Sentence: The minister has plenary powers over the state.

Quaff (Verb):

  • MeaningDrink something heartily.
  • Sentence: The kitten quaffed its plate of milk.

Rectitude (Noun):

  • MeaningMorally correct behavior. 
  • Sentence: All always appreciate honesty.

Sartorial (Noun):

  • MeaningRelating to clothes or a person’s style of dress.
  • Sentence: Their sartorial has been imitated around the world.

Terse (Adjective):

  • MeaningUsing few words or abrupt.
  • Sentence: It was a brief and ambiguous statement.

Uncanny (Adjective):

  • Meaning: Strange or mysterious.
  • Sentence: The portrait’s appearance was uncanny.

Vestal (Adjective):

  • MeaningChaste or pure.
  • Sentence: A vestal ambiance can be experienced at the shrine.

Wreathe (Verb):

  • MeaningEnvelope or surround.
  • Sentence: The cops wreathed the crime site immediately.

Xenophobia (Noun):

  • MeaningFear of people from other countries.
  • Sentence: Xenophobia is not a good sign.

Yonder (Adjective):

  • MeaningReferring to something far away.
  • Sentence: Consider the yonder side of any issue before deciding.

Zilch (Adjective):

  • MeaningNil.
  • Sentence: Environmental concern is zilch these days.
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Vocabulary words with meaning in English  

Vocabulary are the words that are used in sentences. The word vocabulary originates from the Latin word vocabulum. These vocabulary words put sense in the sentence and make the sentence meaningful. Some people use common or easy vocabulary words. But there are other difficult or complex words that can be used in place of easy words.

If you want to learn vocabulary then here are some tips- read as much as you can, read newspapers, journals, and articles. Learn a new word every day. Engage with people. Try to have conversations with them. Refer to the dictionary if you are not able to find the meaning of a particular word. Dictionary not just consist of word meanings, it also provide you the sentences so that you are able to learn how we can use a word in a sentence.

Below is the list of some vocabulary words:

  • ailment
  • assault
  • awful
  • attend
  • conscious
  • overcome
  • overdue
  • unforeseen
  • despair
  • cargo
  • Criticize 
  • Invert

100 vocabulary words with meaning and sentence

abjurePromise publically that you will give upShe will abjure his allegiance to the king.
acumenThe ability to understand tings quickly and wellShe has a good financial acumen
antipathydislikeShe has a big antipathy towards cats
enervateweaken or destroy strengthhe was slow to recover from his disease, even a short walk to the window would enervate him
fetidunpleasant-smellThese cats are staying in fetid, dark sheds and barns 
gregarioussociableShe is a very gregarious women
mendaciousDishonesty, lyingThis is mendacious about his state.
squatterA person who is living in a building or land without permission or paying rentAnita is squatting in this building for nearly 2 years 
squeakyMaking a short high soundShe has a very high squeaky voice
truceAn agreement between opponents to stop fighting for a certain period of timeAmerica and Iran called for truce
organizeto arrange something in a proper wayOur marketing team will organize the upcoming Annual Sales Convention in Mumbai
Expand To increase the size or amountOur company is planning to expand the business in India
competitorThe person or business that competes against youOver 500 competitors are there in this market
InvoiceIt is a bill showing quantity & price of good purchased.Due date for the invoice in 9th Jan.
consensusagreed on by everyone on somethingStill there is no consensus between them after huge argument
Public relationMake good relation with the public so to have better publics imageGiving goodies will be a good public relation move
authorizationGiving legal approval to somethingThey are denied the authorization to start machine by officers
delegateDistribution of something to lower levelManager is delegating some work in order become efficient
After-sale servicesGiving services to customers like maintenance, repairs after selling products to themThis company provide good after-sale services according to a survey
clauseA statement in the contractAccording to clause 4, nobody can talk in the office hours
alacrityeagernessShe is very alacrity to know about her results
FeralwildHe has a very feral thinking about life
extolpraiseHer mother extol her for good results
furtivesecreteShe is very furtive
impertinentBold, forwardShe is a very impertinent girl
indolentIncline towards worksShe is very hardworking indolent
ineptincompetentShe is inept for this job
ailmentSick, illShe succumbed to her ailment
assaultattackShe get assaulted by the gangster
awfulVery bad or unpleasantShe is looking very awful in this dress
attendTo be present at an eventWe’d like as many as people attend
consciousaware of somethingShe is not conscious about
overcomeTo succeed, to defeatShe overcame the injury to win Olympics
overdueNot paid, that should have happenedA book like this is long overdue
unforeseenThat you didn’t expect to happenThe project was running late due unforeseen circumstances
despairA state where hope is missingDue to his illness, he becomes despair of living
cargoThe goods which are being carriedThe tanker began to spill its cargo of oil
Criticize To say something againstWe were taught how to criticize poems
InvertTo change the normal position of somethingPlace a plate over the cake and invert it.
rebellionUsing violence, acting againstThe people of china are rebellion against the govt.
Rectify To correct somethingShe rectify his speech to be delivered in front of the public
spinelessLack courage He is a spineless man
Recuperate To recoverShe recuperated from her injury very fast
Migrate Moving from one place to another Workers are migrating to different states in search of work
obesefatShe is very obese nor she do any exercise to stay fit
auspiciousShowing sign that something is likely to be successful in the futureAn auspicious start to the new school year
efficiencyDoing something with accuracy and without wasting time and moneyI am impressed by her efficiency with which she handled the crises
intangibleCannot be seen, touchedTheir goodwill is the biggest intangible asset
clusterA group of somethingThe doctors clustered anxiously around his bed
abandonLeaving aloneShe abandoned her child after giving birth 
Destination the place designated as the endWe have reached our destination
scarcityShortage, inadequateThere is scarcity of water in rural areas
staminaStrength and energyShe has a great stamina in running
tacticA plan for a having a certain goalThey increase their sales with a tactic move of giving goodies
bluffDeceive someone or lying about your selfShe is bluffing of her money
declineRapid decrease in somethingShare market is declining rapidly
nightmareBad dreamShe had a nightmare of ghost
beneathIn or to a lower position of somethingHer makeup hid signs of age beneath
chaseTo run after somethingHe chased after burglar but didn’t catch him 
milestoneA very important stageShe achieved the milestone of becoming a lawyer
ambivalentUncertain, unable to decideHe is ambivalent as which course to choose
cupidityGreedy for wealthThis women is marrying for just because she is very cupid
defunctNo longer in useThis paper cutting machine is defunct
denigrateAttack on someone’s goodwillThis women is denigrating king by making false claims
instigateTo provokeShe is instigating him to murder her acquaintance 
Paradigm Certain standardsHere are some paradigm to become a member of this club
wantonImmoral personShe is a very wanton person as she misbehaved in the party
vitriolicBitter, harshShe uses vitriolic language for everyone
truculentVery aggressiveHe becomes truculent every moment. Everyone is afraid of him
pariahWho get rejected from home or some societyAlia get caught of stealing gold, in return she get pariah from her home and city 
participationThe act of taking part in somethingShe participated in dancing competition
partingLeavingMr& Mrs Mcbroom are parting their ways
spurnReject, refuseSahil spurn mark’s invitation
achepainSahil is having stomach ache since morning
versatileAble to do many different thingsShe is a designer of extraordinary versatility
vibrantFull of life and energyThailand is at its most vibrant during new year celebration
Undo To cancel the effect of somethingIt’s not too late to try and undo the damage
vagueNot clearThis information is vague
wryShowing that you are both amused and annoyedAt least we got one vote, she said in a wry smile
wussA person who is not strong or braveDon’t be such a wuss
wrathExtreme angryThe wrath of god 
yonksA long timeI haven’t seen you for yonks 
zapTo destroy or killThe monster got zapped by a flying saucer
priestA person who is qualifies to do religious duties  or ceremonies The ordination of women priests
prickleTo give an unpleasant feelingHer eyes prickled with tears
privilegeA special right or advantageYou can enjoy all the privileges of the club
profaneShowing a lack of respect for godShe uses profane language
progressionThe process of developing from one stage to otherThe rapid progression of a disease
puffyLooking swollenHer eyes were puffy from crying
pukeTo vomitThe baby puked after eating
pungentHaving a strong taste or smellThe pungent smell of burning rubber
punThe humorous use of a wordWe’re banking on them lending us the money0 no pun intended
punySmall, weak, not impressiveThey laughed at my puny efforts
punterA person who buys or uses a productIt’s important to keep the punters happy
ragingVery strong, powerfulA raging thirst or apatite
rapaciousWanting more money or good than you needThe rapacity of landowners seeking greater profits
raptureA feeling of extreme happinessThe children gazed at her in rapture
rebutTo ;prove that a statement is wrongThe accusations met with a company were rebutted
crapnonsenseShe is full of crap
dawdleTake long time to do They dawdled along by the river
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✅ How can I increase my vocabulary?

Ans. If you want to learn vocabulary then here are some tips- read as much as you can, read newspapers, journals, and articles. Learn a new word every day. Engage with people. Try to have conversations with them. Refer to the dictionary if you are not able to find the meaning of a particular word. 

✅ What is a vocabulary example?

Ans. Vocabulary is the words that are used in sentences. The word vocabulary originates from the Latin word vocabulum. Here are some words: Destination Scarcity, stamina, tactic, bluff, decline, nightmare, beneath, chase, milestone, etc.

✅ What are some good vocabulary words?

Ans. Vocabulary is the words that are used in sentences. The word vocabulary originates from the Latin word vocabulum. Following are some good vocabulary words:
1. abjure
2. acumen
3. antipathy
4. enervate
5. fetid
6. gregarious
7. mendacious
8. squatter
9. squeaky
10. truce

What is AdmitKard, and how does its vision align with the needs of students studying abroad?

AdmitKard aims to empower students with essential knowledge, guidance, and support, enabling them to make informed decisions about their education and career, and to flourish as global citizens. Its commitment to providing a personalized and seamless experience for those seeking to study abroad aligns perfectly with the complex and varied needs of international students.

How can AdmitKard’s mission help students enhance their vocabulary and language skills for studying abroad?

By leveraging technology, data, and human expertise, AdmitKard offers targeted resources and advice to improve language skills, including vocabulary. This is crucial for students needing to meet language proficiency requirements and to adapt to academic environments in different countries.

In what ways does AdmitKard facilitate a smoother transition for students into foreign educational systems?

AdmitKard simplifies the transition to studying abroad by offering personalized counseling on choosing the right institution, guidance on cultural and linguistic nuances, and support with logistical aspects like visas and accommodation.

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Vocabulary Words

About the Author & Expert


Rachit Agrawal

Author • MBA • 20 Years

Rachit believes in the power of education and has studied from the top institutes of IIIT Allahabad, IIM Calcutta, and Francois Rabelias in France. He has worked as Software Developer with Microsoft and Adobe. Post his MBA, he worked with the world's # 1 consulting firm, The Boston Consulting Group across multiple geographies US, South-East Asia and Europe.

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